Our Philosophy: Approach to Market

The latest research is clear; the best employees don’t come to work to add shareholder value; they come to experience a company that they can trust, believe in, invest their skills in – and which practices a commitment to them.

Now more than ever, integrity in communication is a threshold issue. Consumers are smart, market too savvy, media all pervasive – and all dismissive of anything but a transparent, straightforward approach to the market. Stakeholders want a more ‘human’ company, where values are expressed by their practice, in their product and through their people.

Any organisation wishing to engage its audience, maintain markets and improve its offering, must add-value beyond product or service. Enduring value is reliant on ethical supply, valuing people and building trust – internally, externally, at home and abroad.

An applied, broad view of sustainability is vital. A progressive business environment embraces all the measures, actions and imperatives of a creative business. A sustained reputation requires this and more.

This is no soft agenda. Post Global Financial Crisis research indicates that underpinning values, employee engagement and leadership – helped the best companies weather the storm and retain their best skills. Ensuring the health of a company’s leadership, its environmental and social performance and its values, is a responsible investment.

Customer retention is built through earned reputation – and the ability of a company to continue trade is reliant on fair value exchange.

Sustainable and successful companies and organisations understand the broader implications of their social contract.

Those that embrace their markets, their audiences and the people who deal with them will sustain their organisations.